Are you constantly seeking admiration from others? Do you have an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement? Narcissistic personalities are more common than you might think, and narcissistic traits exist on a spectrum.
Take a few minutes to honestly answer the following questions. You will be be surprised by what you discover about the levels of narcissism potentially driving your thoughts and behaviors.
An accurate self-assessment is the first step towards greater self-awareness and positive growth.
This quiz is designed to help you understand if you may have narcissistic personality traits. It looks at how you view yourself compared to others in different situations.
This quiz cannot diagnose narcissistic personality disorder or any other mental health condition. The results are just for general insight. Only a qualified mental health professional can make an official diagnosis after a full evaluation. This quiz should not replace seeking professional advice if you have concerns about narcissistic traits or any other mental health issues. The results are for informational purposes only.
Our Test Scoring System Explained
Here’s a brief explanation of our test scoring system for a narcissistic tendencies quiz:
0-10 points: Low narcissistic tendencies
You likely have a healthy self-esteem and respect for others. With a low score, you don’t exhibit many narcissistic personality traits.
11-20 points: Moderate narcissistic tendencies
While you may exhibit some narcissistic traits, they don’t dominate your personality. You have moderate levels of confidence, ambition and self-prioritization which can be healthy in moderation.
21-30 points: High narcissistic tendencies
You may struggle with empathy, have a strong sense of entitlement, and seek constant admiration from others. High scores indicate pervasive narcissistic patterns that can negatively impact relationships.
31-40 points: Very high narcissistic tendencies
With this score range, it’s possible that narcissism significantly impacts your relationships and interactions. Consider seeking professional help to address these extreme narcissistic behaviors and beliefs.
The higher the score, the more extensive the narcissistic traits and patterns are likely to be. However, only a clinical psychologist can provide an actual narcissistic personality disorder diagnosis.
Understanding Narcissism
Narcissism means having an excessive interest in and admiration for yourself. It involves thinking you are better, more important, and more deserving of praise than others.
Need More?
Here we have written a full guide on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Overview
Characteristics and traits of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
- Grandiose sense of self-importance
- Preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, beauty, or ideal love
- The belief that you are special and unique
- Excessive need for admiration from others
- Sense of entitlement
- Exploiting others for personal gain
- Lack of empathy
- Arrogant behaviors and attitudes
Need to learn more?
Check out our guide on- 12 Traits Of A Narcissist That You Need to Know
Impact of narcissism on individuals and relationships
- Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships due to lack of empathy
- Reacting with rage or contempt when criticized
- Feeling depressed or moody when not receiving special treatment
- Taking advantage of others to achieve goals
- Unable to recognize the needs and feelings of others
- Relationships revolve around a pattern of idealization and devaluation
The effects of narcissism range from troubled relationships to difficulties at work and in social situations. Having narcissistic traits can negatively impact one’s life satisfaction and connections with others.
FAQ: Am I A Narcissist Quiz
How can I tell if I’m a narcissist?
There is no single checklist to determine if someone has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
There are potential signs include having an inflated sense of importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.
People with NPD often have grandiose fantasies about their success and see themselves as superior to others.
They may monopolize conversations and feel envious of others or believe others envy them.
If you exhibit several of these traits over an extended period of time, it could indicate narcissistic tendencies.
Am I actually narcissistic?
After taking the quiz you will have an idea but only a qualified mental health professional can diagnose narcissistic personality disorder after a full evaluation.
if you scored highly on a our narcissistic test or exhibit many of the traits consistently, it could mean you have narcissistic tendencies to some degree. Narcissism exists on a spectrum from traits to a clinical disorder.
What can be mistaken for narcissism?
Some behaviors like self-confidence, ambition, and drive can be mistaken for narcissism in moderation.
but, the fundamental difference is that narcissists have an inflated, unrealistic sense of superiority and entitlement that damages relationships. Someone who is simply self-assured is not necessarily narcissistic.
Can a narcissistic person love?
Although narcissists do have the capacity to develop feelings of closeness and care for their partners initially. However, these feelings tend to be very self-serving.
True unconditional love requires empathy, intimacy and putting another’s needs first, which poses huge challenges for narcissists who are hyper-focused on themselves.
Do narcissists enjoy kissing?
For narcissists, physical intimacy like kissing is more about physical pleasure and feeding their egos rather than genuine emotional intimacy.
Most of the time they enjoy the attention and validation involved in kissing but lack the emotional attachment that makes the act truly intimate for most people.
Does a narcissist cry?
While narcissists do experience emotional pain, they rarely cry tears of self-pity or guilt since they lack empathy and emotional depth.
They will cry only to prompt sympathy from others or during extreme narcissistic rage, but emotional tears are rare. They tend to react to hurt with anger, contempt or by lashing out instead.